The Sun Doesn't Hibernate
As temperatures drop, the sun sets earlier, and Fall turns into Winter, it's natural to move into hibernation-mode. We begin to spend...

Your VOICE matters because your VOTE matters!
Let’s admit it, this election cycle has been quite the circus. In this landscape of frustration and potential-disillusionment, many have...

Parks and Recreation - Protect Your Visitors and Staff from Skin Cancer
Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year in the United States, at an estimated annual cost of $8.1 billion. Skin...

Sunscreen still 'applies' in winter months
Sunscreen shouldn't be packed away just because it's winter. Your skin can be exposed to harmful rays all year long. So before you hit...

Skin - the athlete's largest organ
Most sports involve some sort of protective gear to guard against injury. However, an often-overlooked part of the body that withstands...

The Glaring Need for Sun Safety in Schools
Imagine having a child stricken with xeroderma pigmentosum, a genetic disease causing extreme susceptibility to sun-induced skin cancer. ...